From March 3rd to 4th, 2018, the annual management training of Hunan Warrant Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was held successfully at SNTO Business Center. 13 personnel from Hunan Warrant Chiral Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Headed by Doctor Tan Yue attended the training with other 82 colleagues from the rest of branches of Hunan Warrant Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..
PDCA Management Training of Hunan Warrant Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
The theme of this training is PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) management which is an iterative four step management method used in business for the control and continual improvement of processes and products. During the training, all the participants were divided into ten groups. Each group prepared an important object expected to be completed in 2018 for discussing. Under the guidance of training teacher and cooperation of group members, each group developed a detailed and clear scheme to achieve the object as per PDCA management method.
Group discussing during training
In the course of training, each participant was encouraged to speak in public and share their impressions. What the participant learned from this training is not only the management method, bu also the teamwork and courage.